How to Make Blogger Fast and Faster

I've posted about a trick to solve How to Make Blog Fast. That's Boost Blog Speed with CSS Compressor. But, now I will discuss some problems to make the blog faster. Who doesn't want their blog to become light, surely all the bloggers want it because our visitors can browse our blog easier?

Based on my experience, there are some tricks to make the blog fast :

___Did you know, pictures with large size can make our blog become slower. So, it's better for you to decrease the use large-size picture. Both in the template and also posts. You can use Photoshop Save for Web & Device trick.

___Over usage widget was one of the problems which makes the blog become slower. Especially if the widget contains heavy scripts. It's good for you to delete some widgets which unuseful such as clock, music player, pet, games, and so on. Use useful widgets such as related posts, most popular articles, or maybe Google Friend Connect.

CSS and Javascript:
___As we knew, CSS and javascipt can make our blog become good looking. But the side effect is it can make our blog become slowly. So you should decrease the usage or compress it for your blog. To compress Javascript, you can use Javascript Compressor.

Tip: Don't reduce creativity on your blog just keep going on.

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