Second quick edit pencil in Blogger

I have sometimes chased the quick edit pencil from the bottom of the post, to edit the post. Especially if you have any comments on a long blog post, the pencil is somewhere in the middle of the page and can be a bit tedious to find. I have often thought, that only if the quick edit pencil would be at the top of the post...

Yesterday I saw a feature suggestion in Blogger forums for a second quick edit pencil. So someone else had chased the pencil, too. This finally gave me the push to make this simple hack. It adds a second quick edit pencil to the upper right corner of a post.

Installation is easy. Open your template html, click Expand Widget Templates, find line:

<b:includable id='post' var='post'>
And just after that line, add this:

<!-- extra quickedit pencil / MS-potilas --> <span style='float:right;margin-right:-25px;'><b:include data='post' name='postQuickEdit'/></span>
or add this, if you want the extra pencil only to appear when post page is opened (not shown on front page):
<!-- extra quickedit pencil / MS-potilas --> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> <span style='float:right;margin-right:-25px;'><b:include data='post' name='postQuickEdit'/></span> </b:if>

Save template. Note: that quickedit pencils are displayed only when administrator is logged in and viewing the blog. So you won't see the pencils on this blog, just on your own blog(s).

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