Here are my two cents worth: First of all, your website has grammatical and spelling errors that would stop me from hiring you without even having to see a single photo. So you have a camera and a flash. You need a backup camera and flash at least equal to your main setup. You need duplicates of everything. You need brackets, sync cords, diffusers. Lots of memory. A fast, powerful computer with a backup hard drive. Adobe Photoshop. The skill to use PS. You also need people skills. Maybe you have it. You need management skills, Business savvy. Now we get to photographic skills. I don't mean to be harsh, Certainly, I'm sure the original pictures are higher resolution than the web posts show, but that doesn't hide the fact that your subjects were poorly lit and exposed, and the posing was awkward and utterly lacking in knowledge and style. These are things you need to study before presenting yourself as a wedding professional. At weddings, you usually have to use available lighting, sometimes in impossibly dark churches. Then you have to corral and arrange individuals and small and large groups into pleasing compositions. And this has to be done quickly with impatient people who are anxious to begin the party. The best way to get into wedding photography is to find an established professional willing to let you assist for a season or two while you hone your photography skills without someone's "special day" is on the line. Some photographers in a resort or high volume areas do manage 4 -7 weddings a month. I don't think a newbie, particularly one with questionable skill and no portfolio, should expect to book that many, at least not at an income level enough to sustain you. Don't forget the post-processing time that a wedding takes. I have a full-time day job in the industry and shoot weddings on the side. Even if you nail exposure and WB every shot, the post-work is time-consuming, and I shudder to think of doing that many albums and coordinating that many print orders by myself. Good luck to you if you decide to go for it.