What additional resources are available in plants?

What additional resources are available in plants?

Of course, the most important diagnostic resource you have is your experience and the collective experience of your cohorts. Also be aware of the number of reliable resources on plant identification and selection; problem identification; and specific damage by insects, diseases, wildlife, and other pests. These sources range from books to great web sites to a wide range of educational programs provided by green industry organizations and university extension services.

Furthermore, recognize that diagnostic observations in the field sometimes need verification at a diagnostic lab. These labs use microscopic examination, fungal culturing, and a wide range of tests to help confirm or deny the presence of certain problems. Take advantage of the university, government, or private diagnostic labs in your area. Also, other laboratories specialize in different pieces of the puzzle. Examples are soil test and foliar analysis laboratories used for information on possible nutrient deficiencies or excesses, and analytical laboratories that check for chemical residues in plant tissue.

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